Divine Souls (2011) PC Скачать Торрент

Divine Souls (2011) PC Скачать Торрент Бесплатно
3.3 Гб
Рейтинг Игры - Голосов: 0
Разработчик: GamePrix
Издательство: Outspark
Платформа: PC
Дата выхода: 2011
Жанр: Slasher, RPG
Язык интерфейса: Русский
ОС: Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7
Процессор: 2,4 ГГц
Опер. память: 1 Гб
HDD: 2 Гб
Видеокарта: Nvidia Geforce FX 5700, ATI Radeon 9800
Игра отправит вас в таинственные подземелья и заставит пережить самые неповторимые сражения. Игра относится к сетевым и обладает удивительно красивой графикой. Все объекты хорошо прорисованы, а герои имеют свой характер. Вам не стоит сомневаться по поводу данного проекта, потому что он не может не понравиться.

Divine Souls – это современная РПГ игра, которая является одной из лучших в своем роде. Можете быть уверены, что в игре просто изобилие различных битв и сражений. Развитие персонажа происходит очень продуманно и вас это не может не порадовать. В общем, вы сами все поймете и увидите, когда начнете эту игру.

Игра на Компьютер (ПК) Divine Souls (2011) PC Скачать Торрент Бесплатно

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СОУЛ (1394 файла)
data (5 файлов)
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txt LanguageFilterBadNameChart.txt (365.72 Kb)
txt LanguageFilterBadNamerChart.txt (365.72 Kb)
txt LanguageFilterSwearChart.txt (233.84 Kb)
txt Languagechart.txt (5.66 Mb)
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file findenemy_A.fcl (710 b)
file findenemy_attacktype.fcl (1.3 Kb)
file findenemy_helptype.fcl (1.31 Kb)
file idle_A.fcl (988 b)
file search_A.fcl (546 b)
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bik (41 файл)
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file Help_Basic_Combat.bik (1.36 Mb)
file Help_Basic_KeybordMove.bik (770.07 Kb)
file Help_Basic_Minimap.bik (798.46 Kb)
file Help_Basic_MouseMove.bik (804.63 Kb)
file Help_Basic_Quest.bik (922.86 Kb)
file Help_Basic_Skilluseing.bik (531.51 Kb)
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file Help_GameInfo_ Skillupgrade.bik (755 Kb)
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file Help_GameInfo_BrookshellCamp.bik (2.24 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_ColcaCanyonCamp.bik (910.7 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_ComboSkill.bik (479.38 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_DivineSkill.bik (1.2 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_DungeonAdmission.bik (1.32 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_ForestCamp.bik (926.43 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_GuildChat.bik (776.05 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_GuildCreate.bik (820.95 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_GuildJoin.bik (1.18 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_GuildMaster.bik (922.91 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_ItemDecomposition.bik (728.16 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_ItemEquit.bik (1.52 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_Itemauction.bik (1.65 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_Mail.bik (2.17 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_MedalTatle.bik (1.16 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_PVPAdmission.bik (944.3 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_PVPPlay.bik (1.23 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_Party.bik (1.32 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_PartyMatch.bik (2.44 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_PassiveSkill.bik (1.01 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_Resurrectionl.bik (717.38 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_SecretBaseCamp.bik (1.72 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_SewerCamp.bik (799.09 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_ShopTrade.bik (888.5 Kb)
file Help_GameInfo_TrainingRoom.bik (1.71 Mb)
file Help_GameInfo_UserTrade.bik (1.01 Mb)
file test.bik (5.21 Mb)
Skill (3 файла)
CF001 (30 файлов)
file Aura of Spirit.bik (122.95 Kb)
file Battle Shout.bik (136.56 Kb)
file Deimos.bik (160.09 Kb)
file Divine Fighter.bik (210.01 Kb)
file Double Kick.bik (120.24 Kb)
file Hit Shadow.bik (105.3 Kb)
file Mach.bik (128.71 Kb)
file Steam Fall.bik (118.11 Kb)
file Stone Skin.bik (105.22 Kb)
file air knee kick.bik (224.15 Kb)
file attack combo.bik (229.21 Kb)
file back tumble.bik (235.47 Kb)
file blocking.bik (172.4 Kb)
file dash upper.bik (127.72 Kb)
file dead leaves.bik (541.94 Kb)
file dodgeCF.bik (383.7 Kb)
file down charge.bik (518.28 Kb)
file earthquake.bik (169.32 Kb)
file fist shower.bik (244.09 Kb)
file force down.bik (128.24 Kb)
file guard upper.bik (149.29 Kb)
file half upper.bik (210.08 Kb)
file hold dash.bik (236.15 Kb)
file hold upper.bik (240.71 Kb)
file mount combo.bik (983.05 Kb)
file power charge.bik (274.93 Kb)
file rail bomb.bik (220.86 Kb)
file screw hammer.bik (194.84 Kb)
file shooting star.bik (367.93 Kb)
file tripple storm.bik (232.35 Kb)
CM001 (30 файлов)
file Air Pritch.bik (140.85 Kb)
file Attack Combo.bik (216.63 Kb)
file Cannon Upper.bik (133.81 Kb)
file Chaos Wheel.bik (123.59 Kb)
file Dancing Doll.bik (254.57 Kb)
file Divine Mage.bik (337.87 Kb)
file Down Shot.bik (122.84 Kb)
file Fire Ball.bik (269.9 Kb)
file Fire Cracker.bik (151.82 Kb)
file Fire Pitch.bik (175.55 Kb)
file Fire Wall.bik (238.73 Kb)
file Flare.bik (239.78 Kb)
file Frozen Circle.bik (156.92 Kb)
file Guided Shot.bik (197.89 Kb)
file Hell Fire.bik (204.78 Kb)
file Hit Shadow.bik (123.02 Kb)
file Hold Cannon.bik (147.44 Kb)
file Manes.bik (158.75 Kb)
file Multi Shot.bik (233.1 Kb)
file Pitch Combo.bik (255.11 Kb)
file Round Attack.bik (182.91 Kb)
file Seize Combo.bik (238.28 Kb)
file Seize Fire.bik (279.41 Kb)
file Seize Ice.bik (201.17 Kb)
file Spirder Boom.bik (198.73 Kb)
file Teleport Back.bik (127.55 Kb)
file Teleport Cannon.bik (153.43 Kb)
file Teleport.bik (111.75 Kb)
file Telport Air.bik (89.81 Kb)
file dodgeCM.bik (347.8 Kb)
CS001 (34 файла)
file Air Slash.bik (218.16 Kb)
file Air Snake.bik (307.48 Kb)
file Attack Combo.bik (238.82 Kb)
file Aura Of Spirit.bik (118.67 Kb)
file Avoid Piercing.bik (222.64 Kb)
file Back Tumble.bik (148.17 Kb)
file Blocking.bik (192.03 Kb)
file Concentration.bik (111.86 Kb)
file Cremo.bik (213.21 Kb)
file Divine Slasher.bik (327.38 Kb)
file Dragon Scale.bik (223.21 Kb)
file Flying Moon.bik (645.02 Kb)
file Hand Flame.bik (223.14 Kb)
file Hit Shadow.bik (123.29 Kb)
file Hold Slash.bik (200.19 Kb)
file Hold Upper.bik (238.96 Kb)
file Lucky.bik (116.79 Kb)
file Round Chain.bik (198.68 Kb)
file Round Spine.bik (141.09 Kb)
file Snake.bik (191.64 Kb)
file Sonic Wind.bik (160.67 Kb)
file Spell Bind.bik (170.86 Kb)
file Spiral.bik (157.67 Kb)
file Sylph.bik (136.49 Kb)
file Upper Slash.bik (209.95 Kb)
file chain Double.bik (232.76 Kb)
file chain Knockback.bik (175.34 Kb)
file chain Mode.bik (130.93 Kb)
file chain Piercing.bik (198.19 Kb)
file chain Slash Double.bik (318.93 Kb)
file chain Slash UpDown.bik (293.45 Kb)
file chain Slash Upper.bik (325.87 Kb)
file chain Upper.bik (200.46 Kb)
file dodgeCS.bik (445.31 Kb)
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file 0080231F-00000000-40000000-10A90020-P.hlsl (19.31 Kb)
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file 0080231F-00000000-50000000-10A90001-P.hlsl (19.39 Kb)
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file 0080631F-00000000-40000000-10A90001-P.hlsl (19.17 Kb)
file 0080631F-00000000-50000000-10A90001-P.hlsl (19.91 Kb)
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file 01000040-00000000-52301000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.2 Kb)
file 01000040-00000000-52400000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.18 Kb)
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file 01000040-00000000-5B201000-00000000-V.hlsl (13.46 Kb)
file 01000040-00000000-5B202000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.17 Kb)
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file 01000041-00000000-52014000-00000000-V.hlsl (16.41 Kb)
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file 01000240-00000000-52202000-00000000-V.hlsl (15.51 Kb)
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file 01000341-00000000-5B013000-00000000-V.hlsl (17.54 Kb)
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file 02000040-00000008-52400000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.71 Kb)
file 02000040-00000008-52402000-00000000-V.hlsl (16.2 Kb)
file 0200008C-00000001-50000000-00000000-V.hlsl (4.35 Kb)
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file 02000240-00000001-52200000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.13 Kb)
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file 02000240-00000001-5B201000-00000000-V.hlsl (14.83 Kb)
file 02000240-00000001-5B202000-00000000-V.hlsl (15.58 Kb)
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file 0200028C-00000001-50000000-00000000-V.hlsl (5.62 Kb)
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file 0200029C-00000001-59000000-00000000-V.hlsl (6.16 Kb)
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file 81000040-00000000-52000000-00000000-V.hlsl (6.98 Kb)
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file 81000240-00000000-52204000-00000000-V.hlsl (17.48 Kb)
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file 81000240-00000000-53204000-00000000-V.hlsl (17.48 Kb)
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file 81000240-00000000-5B204000-00000000-V.hlsl (17.46 Kb)
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file ASMSkinningLighting.vsh (4.76 Kb)
file ASMSkinningNoLighting.vsh (4.35 Kb)
file AlphaTextureBlender.psh (950 b)
file AlphaTextureBlender.vsh (1.4 Kb)
file Aniso.psh (593 b)
file Aniso.vsh (1.07 Kb)
file BaseBumpWithSpatialGlow.psh (1.96 Kb)
file BaseBumpWithSpatialGlow.vsh (4.03 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinning.hlsl (5.97 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinningGlow.hlsl (6.17 Kb)
file Colorize.psh (567 b)
file Colorize.vsh (804 b)
file DiffuseOnly.psh (508 b)
file Dot3BumpMap.psh (1.42 Kb)
file Dot3BumpMap.vsh (2.09 Kb)
file FlatWireframe.hlsl (1.91 Kb)
file FlatWireframe.psh (506 b)
file Glass.hlsl (4.3 Kb)
file HDRScene.fx (20.55 Kb)
file Halo.vsh (1.07 Kb)
file HaloConstants.h (646 b)
file LumaTransv11p11.psh (686 b)
file LumaTransv11p11.vsh (1.76 Kb)
file LumaTransv11p14.psh (1017 b)
file LumaTransv11p14.vsh (1.65 Kb)
file MRTEffects.fx (15.53 Kb)
file Minimap.fx (1.1 Kb)
file NormalTransform.vsh (735 b)
file OilyFilm.psh (1.8 Kb)
file OilyFilm.vsh (3.43 Kb)
file OilyFilmWithGlow.psh (1.62 Kb)
file OilyFilmWithGlow.vsh (3.36 Kb)
file Outlining.psh (1.59 Kb)
file Outlining.vsh (1.66 Kb)
file ParallaxMapping.psh (2.96 Kb)
file ParallaxMapping.vsh (2.3 Kb)
file Radial_Blur.fx (4.04 Kb)
file SeaFloor.vsh (2.13 Kb)
file SeaFloor2.vsh (2.28 Kb)
file Shadow.fx (3.48 Kb)
file Shimmer.fx (4.42 Kb)
file SimpleSkinning.hlsl (2.07 Kb)
file Skin2DirLightsWarpEffect.psh (1.78 Kb)
file Skin2DirLightsWarpEffect.vsh (6.12 Kb)
file SkinBump11.psh (1.44 Kb)
file SkinBump11.vsh (5.18 Kb)
file Skin_DirLight_AmbLight.psh (925 b)
file Skin_DirLight_AmbLight.vsh (4.89 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShading.vsh (3.42 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShadingWithOutline.vsh (3.85 Kb)
file SpectralPixel.psh (805 b)
file SpectralPixel.vsh (1.26 Kb)
file SpectralVertex.vsh (1.2 Kb)
file Swoosh.psh (675 b)
file Swoosh.vsh (773 b)
file TexColorNoAlpha.hlsl (1.07 Kb)
file TexColorNoAlpha.psh (538 b)
file TextureBlend.vsh (8.47 Kb)
file TextureBlendDarkMap.psh (1.78 Kb)
file TextureOnly.psh (559 b)
file ToonShade.vsh (755 b)
file ToonShading.psh (789 b)
file ToonShading.vsh (1.68 Kb)
file ToonShadingWithOutline.psh (1.42 Kb)
file ToonShadingWithOutline.vsh (2.19 Kb)
file TwoPass.vsh (804 b)
file TwoPassOne.psh (567 b)
file TwoPassTwo.psh (518 b)
file VCAlphaTextureBlender-P.hlsl (1.71 Kb)
file VCAlphaTextureBlender-V.hlsl (11 Kb)
file WarpBars.psh (770 b)
file WarpBars.vsh (4.07 Kb)
file Water.hlsl (3.72 Kb)
file ASMSkinning.NSF (9.65 Kb)
file ASMSkinningLighting.NSB (2.4 Kb)
file ASMSkinningNoLighting.NSB (2.43 Kb)
file AlphaTextureBlender.NSB (2.97 Kb)
file AlphaTextureBlender.NSF (6.49 Kb)
file BaseBumpWithSpatialGlow.NSB (2.71 Kb)
file BaseBumpWithSpatialGlow.NSF (5.28 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinning.NSB (3.61 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinning.NSF (5.3 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinningGlow.NSB (3.82 Kb)
file BaseTextureSkinningGlow.NSF (5.72 Kb)
file Chrome.fx (23.07 Kb)
file Colorize.NSB (2.71 Kb)
file Colorize.NSF (5.9 Kb)
file Dot3BumpMap.NSB (1.82 Kb)
file Dot3BumpMap.NSF (4.29 Kb)
file FXSkinning.fx (2.56 Kb)
file Face.fx (14.21 Kb)
file FlatWireframe.NSB (1.73 Kb)
file FlatWireframe.NSF (7.43 Kb)
file FlatWireframeSkinned.NSB (2.05 Kb)
file GeneralDiffuseSpecular.fx (26.42 Kb)
file Glass.NSB (2.08 Kb)
file Glass.NSF (4.46 Kb)
file HLSLSkinning.NSB (1.33 Kb)
file HLSLSkinning.NSF (2.75 Kb)
file LuminanceTransfer.NSB (3.1 Kb)
file LuminanceTransfer.NSF (5.2 Kb)
file OilyFilm.NSB (2.6 Kb)
file OilyFilm.NSF (6.09 Kb)
file OilyFilmWithGlow.NSB (2.43 Kb)
file OilyFilmWithGlow.NSF (5.28 Kb)
file Outlining.NSB (1.92 Kb)
file Outlining.NSF (3.47 Kb)
file ParallaxMapping.NSB (2.66 Kb)
file ParallaxMapping.NSF (4.73 Kb)
file PerPixelLighting.fx (5.95 Kb)
file SeaFloor.NSB (5.73 Kb)
file SeaFloor.NSF (11.98 Kb)
file Skin2DirLightsWarpEffect.NSB (2.78 Kb)
file Skin2DirLightsWarpEffect.NSF (6.39 Kb)
file SkinBump11.NSB (1.88 Kb)
file SkinBump11.NSF (4.37 Kb)
file Skin_DirLight_AmbLight.NSB (1.83 Kb)
file Skin_DirLight_AmbLight.NSF (3.73 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShading.NSB (1.94 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShading.NSF (3.54 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShadingWithOutline.NSB (2.87 Kb)
file SkinnedToonShadingWithOutline.NSF (4.72 Kb)
file SpectralGlow.NSB (2.71 Kb)
file SpectralGlow.NSF (4.77 Kb)
file Swoosh.NSB (887 b)
file Swoosh.NSF (2.46 Kb)
file TexColorNoAlpha.NSB (1.73 Kb)
file TexColorNoAlpha.NSF (3.47 Kb)
file TextureBlendUsingVertexColors.NSB (3.94 Kb)
file TextureBlendUsingVertexColors.NSF (6.37 Kb)
file ToonShading.NSB (1.66 Kb)
file ToonShading.NSF (3.1 Kb)
file ToonShadingWithOutline.NSB (2.68 Kb)
file ToonShadingWithOutline.NSF (4.3 Kb)
file TwoPass.NSB (3.24 Kb)
file TwoPass.NSF (6.73 Kb)
file VCAlphaTextureBlender.NSB (6.09 Kb)
file VCAlphaTextureBlender.NSF (14.1 Kb)
file WarpBars.NSB (1.76 Kb)
file WarpBars.NSF (5.96 Kb)
file Water.NSB (2.94 Kb)
file Water.NSF (5.18 Kb)
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file vssver.scc (160 b)
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file 2002L.ttf (1.88 Mb)
file ARIALUNI.TTF (22.2 Mb)
file NGULIM.TTF (24.53 Mb)
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file 0npgg.erl (20.76 Kb)
file 0npgl.erl (16.5 Kb)
file 0npgm.erl (73.81 Kb)
file 0npgmup.erl (18.6 Kb)
file 0npsc.erl (39.96 Kb)
file 1npgg.erl (24.41 Kb)
file 1npgl.erl (19.69 Kb)
file 1npgm.erl (95.77 Kb)
file 1npgmup.erl (19.51 Kb)
file 1npsc.erl (44.68 Kb)
file DivineSoulRU.ini (347 b)
file GameGuard.des (290.19 Kb)
file GameGuard.ver (25 b)
file GameMon.des (4.73 Mb)
jpg Splash.jpg (43.08 Kb)
file ggerror.des (147.09 Kb)
file ggscan.des (487.59 Kb)
file npgg.erl (19.71 Kb)
file npgg9x.des (42.09 Kb)
file npggNT.des (97.59 Kb)
file npgl.erl (17.33 Kb)
file npgm.erl (79.17 Kb)
file npgmup.des (180.09 Kb)
file npgmup.erl (18.6 Kb)
file npsc.des (91.59 Kb)
file npsc.erl (40.72 Kb)
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exe dxwebsetup.exe (281.35 Kb)
exe vcredist_x86.exe (2.58 Mb)
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file Log20110512.debug (0 b)
file Log20110512.error (324 b)
file Log20110512.log (84.65 Kb)
file Log20110512.pig (80.99 Kb)
netlog (3 файла)
file NetLog20110512.debug (0 b)
file NetLog20110512.error (168 b)
file NetLog20110512.log (790 b)
setting (338 файлов)
file 10000_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 10000_hdr_setting.txt (181 b)
file 10000_light_setting.bin (560 b)
txt 10000_light_setting.txt (424 b)
file 1002_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 1002_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 1002_light_setting.bin (824 b)
txt 1002_light_setting.txt (474 b)
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file 1004_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 1004_light_setting.bin (1.34 Kb)
txt 1004_light_setting.txt (832 b)
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txt 1005_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 1005_light_setting.bin (2.14 Kb)
txt 1005_light_setting.txt (1.21 Kb)
file 1006_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 1006_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 1006_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 1007_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 1007_light_setting.bin (1.34 Kb)
txt 1007_light_setting.txt (832 b)
file 1008_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 1008_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 1008_light_setting.bin (1.61 Kb)
txt 1008_light_setting.txt (1011 b)
file 10_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 10_hdr_setting.txt (180 b)
file 10_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 10_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 11_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 11_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 11_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 12_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 12_light_setting.bin (800 b)
txt 12_light_setting.txt (261 b)
file 13_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 13_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 13_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 13_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 14_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 14_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 14_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 14_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 15_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 15_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 15_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 15_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 16_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 16_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 16_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 16_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 17_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 17_hdr_setting.txt (181 b)
file 17_light_setting.bin (1.09 Kb)
txt 17_light_setting.txt (782 b)
file 18_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 18_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 18_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 19_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 19_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 19_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 1_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 1_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 1_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 20000_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 20000_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 20000_light_setting.bin (812 b)
txt 20000_light_setting.txt (386 b)
file 20_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 20_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 20_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 21_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 21_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 21_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 21_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 22_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 22_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 22_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 22_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 23_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 23_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 23_light_setting.bin (1.34 Kb)
txt 23_light_setting.txt (869 b)
file 24_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 24_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 24_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 24_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 25_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 25_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 25_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 25_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 26_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 26_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 26_light_setting.bin (1.31 Kb)
txt 26_light_setting.txt (494 b)
file 27_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 27_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
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txt 27_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 28_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 28_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 29_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 29_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 29_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 2_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 2_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 2_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 30001_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 30001_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 30001_light_setting.bin (8 b)
txt 30001_light_setting.txt (29 b)
file 30_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 30_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 30_light_setting.txt (653 b)
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txt 31_light_setting.txt (440 b)
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txt 32_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 32_light_setting.bin (800 b)
txt 32_light_setting.txt (261 b)
file 34_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 34_light_setting.txt (440 b)
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txt 35_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 35_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 35_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 36_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 36_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 36_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 36_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 37_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 38_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 38_light_setting.txt (653 b)
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txt 3_light_setting.txt (261 b)
file 400_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 400_light_setting.bin (536 b)
txt 400_light_setting.txt (207 b)
file 41_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 42_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 42_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
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file 43_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 43_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 43_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 44_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 46_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 46_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 47_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 47_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
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txt 47_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 48_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 48_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 48_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 48_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 49_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 49_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 49_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 49_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 51_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 51_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 51_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 51_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 52_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 52_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 52_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 52_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 53_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 55_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 55_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 55_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 55_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 56_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 56_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
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txt 56_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 57_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 57_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 57_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 58_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 58_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 58_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 58_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 59_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 62_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 62_light_setting.bin (800 b)
txt 62_light_setting.txt (261 b)
file 63_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 63_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 63_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 63_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 64_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 64_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 64_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 64_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 65_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 65_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 66_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 66_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 66_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 6_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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txt 6_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 71_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 71_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 71_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 71_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 72_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 72_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 72_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 72_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 73_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 73_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 73_light_setting.bin (800 b)
txt 73_light_setting.txt (261 b)
file 74_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 74_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 74_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 74_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 75_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 75_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 75_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 75_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 76_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 76_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 76_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 76_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 78_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
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file 78_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 78_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 7_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 7_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 7_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 7_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 80_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 80_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 80_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 80_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 81_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 81_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 81_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 81_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 82_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 82_hdr_setting.txt (178 b)
file 82_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 82_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 83_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 83_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 83_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 83_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 84_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 84_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 84_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 84_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 85_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 85_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 85_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 85_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 86_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 86_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 86_light_setting.bin (1.07 Kb)
txt 86_light_setting.txt (653 b)
file 8_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 8_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 8_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 8_light_setting.txt (440 b)
file 9_hdr_setting.bin (24 b)
txt 9_hdr_setting.txt (179 b)
file 9_light_setting.bin (1.05 Kb)
txt 9_light_setting.txt (440 b)
version (1 файл)
txt version.txt (2 b)
file BugTrap.dll (270.5 Kb)
file BugTrapN.dll (348.5 Kb)
file BugTrapU.dll (279.5 Kb)
file DBGHELP.DLL (475 Kb)
exe DSLauncher.exe (1.94 Mb)
file DSLauncher.ini (2.82 Kb)
file DivineSoulRU.ini (347 b)
file GameGuard.des (290.19 Kb)
file GameXP.ico (111.83 Kb)
file GamesNIKITA.Online.lnk (1.35 Kb)
file Install.ini (201 b)
file Mss32.dll (439 Kb)
file NxCharacter.dll (140 Kb)
file NxCooking.dll (376.75 Kb)
file NxExtensions.dll (116 Kb)
file PathEngine.dll (1.18 Mb)
file PhysXCooking.dll (376.75 Kb)
file PhysXCore.dll (2.6 Mb)
file PhysXLoader.dll (68.75 Kb)
file Soul_ico.ico (894 b)
file XPva03.dll (96 Kb)
file binkw32.dll (331 Kb)
file camera.ini (4 Kb)
exe client.exe (2.14 Mb)
file cursor_1.ani (3.31 Kb)
file d3dx9_32.dll (3.27 Mb)
file d3dx9d_32.dll (3.55 Mb)
file ds_exe.ico (4.19 Kb)
file ds_install.ico (4.19 Kb)
file dsdata_0.dfh (55.58 Kb)
file dsdata_0.dfp (1.02 Gb)
file dsdata_1.dfh (79.27 Kb)
file dsdata_1.dfp (797.84 Mb)
file dsdata_2.dfh (28.74 Kb)
file dsdata_2.dfp (911.13 Mb)
file freetype.dll (436 Kb)
file game.iff (10.52 Kb)
file game_result.ini (1.62 Kb)
file game_reward.ini (1.05 Kb)
file icon.ico (10.22 Kb)
file msvcp80.dll (536 Kb)
file msvcp80d.dll (1004 Kb)
file msvcr71.dll (340 Kb)
file msvcr71d.dll (532 Kb)
file msvcr80.dll (612 Kb)
file msvcr80d.dll (1.12 Mb)
file option.ini (8.24 Kb)
exe packupdatetool.exe (78.22 Kb)
file sound.dfh (22.89 Kb)
file sound.dfp (425.6 Mb)
file unins000.dat (4.96 Kb)
exe unins000.exe (704.46 Kb)
file xinput1_3.dll (79.85 Kb)
Комментариев (0)