» » Приключения семейки Таттлс (2007) PC Лицензия

Приключения семейки Таттлс (2007) PC Лицензия Скачать Торрент

Приключения семейки Таттлс (2007) PC Лицензия Скачать Торрент Бесплатно
261.58 Мб
Рейтинг Игры - Голосов: 0
Альт. название: The Tuttles: Madcap Misadventures
Разработчик: Animax Entertainment
Издательство: Legacy Interactive
Платформа: PC
Дата выхода: 2007
Жанр: аркада, приключения
Тип издания: Лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только Английский
ОС: Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista
Процессор: 600 Mhz
Опер. память: 128 МБ
HDD: 270 MB
Не стоит повторять, что, нет ни чего круче чем семейный отдых. Вы в роли простого паренька со своей семьей отправляетесь в путешествие, и теперь вас ждет веселье и безудержный смех. Проще говоря, семейка вы еще та! «Приключения семейки Таттлс» - это игра сочетающая в себе сразу два жанра: аркада и приключение.

В первую очередь она обладает красочным сюжетом. Ну а уже потом, в этой игре есть все что только нужно для того чтобы побыть семьей наедине. Естественно в ваших силах сделать так, чтобы такая прогулочка, не осталась какой-то забытой, а напротив. Вызывала мурашки по коже у родственничков.

Игра на Компьютер (ПК) Приключения семейки Таттлс (2007) PC Лицензия Скачать Торрент Бесплатно

Скачать Видео
The Tuttles Madcap Misadventures (1416 файлов)
data (10 файлов)
Comics (21 файл)
file Tuttles_alamo_animation.swf (593.51 Kb)
file screen10.swf (293.12 Kb)
file screen11.swf (207.62 Kb)
file screen12.swf (583.5 Kb)
file screen13.swf (538.49 Kb)
file screen14.swf (718.97 Kb)
file screen15.swf (504.15 Kb)
file screen16.swf (743.44 Kb)
file screen17.swf (690.13 Kb)
file screen18.swf (534.22 Kb)
file screen19.swf (492.32 Kb)
file screen1_modified.swf (651.19 Kb)
file screen2_modified.swf (412.77 Kb)
file screen3_modified.swf (325.83 Kb)
file screen4_modified.swf (911.04 Kb)
file screen5_modified.swf (596.13 Kb)
file screen6_modified.swf (964.45 Kb)
file screen6_modified2.swf (983.93 Kb)
file screen7_modified.swf (450.5 Kb)
file screen8_modified.swf (367.09 Kb)
file screen9.swf (372.9 Kb)
Gfx (24 файла)
Atmosphere (9 файлов)
file Rainbow.tga (4 Mb)
file SunRay.tga (48.04 Kb)
file SunRay_01.tga (48.04 Kb)
file SunRay_02.tga (48.04 Kb)
file SunRay_03.tga (48.04 Kb)
file SunRay_04.tga (48.04 Kb)
file Sun_01.tga (16.04 Kb)
file moon.dds (4.13 Kb)
file rain.tga (24.04 Kb)
BlueSky (5 файлов)
Artifacts (33 файла)
file Alamofoamhand.sa (206.24 Kb)
txt Alamofoamhand.txt (128 b)
file Davycrocketthat.sa (92.77 Kb)
txt Davycrocketthat.txt (128 b)
txt Items.txt (5 b)
file blanket.sa (96.09 Kb)
txt blanket.txt (127 b)
file disc.sa (89.9 Kb)
txt disc.txt (128 b)
file foto.sa (101.36 Kb)
txt foto.txt (128 b)
file headset.sa (79.85 Kb)
txt headset.txt (128 b)
file helper.sa (93.3 Kb)
txt helper.txt (128 b)
file parawut_01.sa (97.86 Kb)
txt parawut_01.txt (128 b)
file parawut_02.sa (100.01 Kb)
txt parawut_02.txt (127 b)
file parawut_03.sa (93.62 Kb)
txt parawut_03.txt (127 b)
file parawut_04.sa (86.57 Kb)
txt parawut_04.txt (127 b)
file peanuts.sa (98.59 Kb)
txt peanuts.txt (128 b)
file pillow.sa (105.98 Kb)
txt pillow.txt (128 b)
file score.sa (95.52 Kb)
txt score.txt (127 b)
file tomato.sa (84.71 Kb)
txt tomato.txt (128 b)
file wings_lapel.sa (82.06 Kb)
txt wings_lapel.txt (128 b)
Background (18 файлов)
file coast.dds (512.13 Kb)
file coast2.dds (256.13 Kb)
file park_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file park_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file park_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file prairie_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
file prairie_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file prairie_03.dds (128.13 Kb)
file prairie_04.dds (128.13 Kb)
file river_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file river_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file sity_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file sity_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file sity_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file sky_01.dds (234.5 Kb)
file town_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file town_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file town_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
Decor (37 файлов)
png billboard.png (43.69 Kb)
file building_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_06.dds (64.13 Kb)
file building_stair.dds (32.13 Kb)
file bush_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file bush_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file clouds_01.tga (32.04 Kb)
file clouds_02.tga (32.04 Kb)
file clouds_03.tga (32.04 Kb)
file clouds_04.tga (32.04 Kb)
file clouds_05.tga (32.04 Kb)
file clouds_06.tga (32.04 Kb)
file fence_01.dds (8.13 Kb)
file fence_02.dds (8.13 Kb)
file fence_door.dds (4.13 Kb)
file garage.dds (64.13 Kb)
file horse_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file horse_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file horse_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file house_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_06.dds (64.13 Kb)
file house_village_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
file house_village_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file logo.tga (512.04 Kb)
file snag.dds (32.13 Kb)
file tree_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file tree_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file tree_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file tree_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
Enemy (27 файлов)
file Albatross.sa (154.57 Kb)
txt Albatross.txt (122 b)
file Crow.sa (71.31 Kb)
txt Crow.txt (121 b)
file Eagle.sa (332.54 Kb)
txt Eagle.txt (122 b)
file Eagle_02.sa (358.18 Kb)
txt Eagle_02.txt (121 b)
file Helicopter.sa (58.29 Kb)
file Helicopter.tga (1 Mb)
txt Helicopter.txt (120 b)
file Helicopter2.sa (58.29 Kb)
file Helicopter2.tga (1 Mb)
file Pole_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Pole_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file UFO_01.sa (209.18 Kb)
txt UFO_01.txt (128 b)
file UFO_02.sa (326.44 Kb)
txt UFO_02.txt (128 b)
file clouds_storm.tga (128.04 Kb)
file clouds_storm_bolt.dds (32.13 Kb)
file clouds_storm_flash.dds (32.13 Kb)
txt helicopter2.txt (120 b)
file kachalot.sa (41.68 Kb)
txt kachalot.txt (121 b)
file light_house.dds (64.13 Kb)
file tree.dds (256.13 Kb)
Misc (2 файла)
file Star.sa (137.32 Kb)
txt Star.txt (128 b)
Desert (8 файлов)
Artefacts (10 файлов)
file bottle.sa (110.45 Kb)
txt bottle.txt (128 b)
file kozwrek.sa (100.09 Kb)
txt kozwrek.txt (128 b)
file krem.sa (100.26 Kb)
txt krem.txt (128 b)
file o4ki.sa (103.83 Kb)
txt o4ki.txt (128 b)
file zont.sa (173.12 Kb)
txt zont.txt (128 b)
Background (6 файлов)
file Ruins.dds (256.13 Kb)
file layer1.dds (512.13 Kb)
file layer2.dds (512.13 Kb)
file layer3.dds (512.13 Kb)
file layer4.dds (512.13 Kb)
file layer5.dds (256.13 Kb)
Decor (49 файлов)
file Bone_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Bone_02.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Bush_01.dds (341.48 Kb)
file Bush_02.dds (341.48 Kb)
file Bush_03.dds (170.83 Kb)
file Cactus_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Cactus_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Cactus_03.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Cactus_04.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Calabash.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Carpet.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Chasm_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Chasm_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Grass_01.dds (10.83 Kb)
file Grass_02.dds (10.83 Kb)
file Grass_03.dds (10.83 Kb)
file Grass_04.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Lamp.dds (21.48 Kb)
file Minivan_Crashed.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Plate.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Sign_Arrow.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Sign_Stop.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Stone_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_04.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_05.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_06.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Tent_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Tent_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Tent_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Tumbleweed_01.dds (85.48 Kb)
file Tumbleweed_02.dds (85.48 Kb)
file Tumbleweed_03.dds (85.48 Kb)
file palm_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file palm_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file palm_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file palm_04.dds (256.13 Kb)
file palm_05.dds (128.13 Kb)
file rock_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file rock_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file rock_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file rock_04.dds (256.13 Kb)
file skull_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file skull_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file skull_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file skull_04.dds (4.13 Kb)
file skull_05.dds (4.13 Kb)
file skull_06.dds (4.13 Kb)
Edge (7 файлов)
file Corner_Left.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Corner_Right.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Lower.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Lower_Back.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Rocks.dds (21.52 Kb)
file Sand.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Upper.dds (64.13 Kb)
Enemy (16 файлов)
file Bone_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bone_04.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Cactus_Thorny_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Campfire_01.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Campfire_02.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Cobra.sa (1.32 Mb)
txt Cobra.txt (642 b)
file Dirt_Devil.sa (1.29 Mb)
txt Dirt_Devil.txt (128 b)
file Mummy.sa (639.25 Kb)
txt Mummy.txt (839 b)
file Scorpion.sa (604.68 Kb)
txt Scorpion.txt (638 b)
file Stone.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Viper.sa (862.48 Kb)
txt Viper.txt (580 b)
Items (18 файлов)
file 100_box.sa (62.12 Kb)
txt 100_box.txt (128 b)
file 1dad.sa (47.54 Kb)
txt 1dad.txt (128 b)
file Gold.sa (100.21 Kb)
txt Gold.txt (128 b)
file brochure.sa (74.99 Kb)
txt brochure.txt (128 b)
file map.sa (103.66 Kb)
txt map.txt (128 b)
file pult.sa (70.19 Kb)
txt pult.txt (128 b)
file suvenir1.sa (44.2 Kb)
txt suvenir1.txt (128 b)
file suvenir2.sa (47.04 Kb)
txt suvenir2.txt (128 b)
file wljapa.sa (51.24 Kb)
txt wljapa.txt (127 b)
Land (2 файла)
file Sand.dds (42.8 Kb)
file ScorchedEarth.dds (32.13 Kb)
Misc (8 файлов)
file Bridge_Down.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Bridge_Up.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Exit.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Portal.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Stairway.dds (32.13 Kb)
Fx (41 файл)
file Artifact_Idle.tga (8.79 Kb)
file Box_Fragments.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Disorient_Stars.sa (158.19 Kb)
txt Disorient_Stars.txt (128 b)
file Feather_Fragments_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Feather_Fragments_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Feather_Fragments_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Fire.tga (2.79 Kb)
file FireFlare.tga (1.79 Kb)
file Fire_02.tga (8.79 Kb)
file Jug_Fragments.dds (1.13 Kb)
file Leaves_Fragments.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Skate_Lighting.tga (64.79 Kb)
file Smoke.tga (128.04 Kb)
file Stars.tga (2.79 Kb)
file White.tga (60 b)
file angler_light.tga (1.79 Kb)
file bubble.tga (16.04 Kb)
file bubblesm.tga (1.04 Kb)
file chasm_begin.dds (4.13 Kb)
file chasm_end.dds (2.13 Kb)
file circle.tga (4.79 Kb)
file clouds.tga (64.79 Kb)
file explosion.tga (1.79 Kb)
file flare.tga (1.79 Kb)
file flash.tga (1.79 Kb)
file flash2.tga (1.79 Kb)
file flash3.tga (1.79 Kb)
file fog.tga (64.79 Kb)
file fog2.tga (64.79 Kb)
file fx_damage_hit_flash.tga (1.79 Kb)
file fx_pickup_star_flash.tga (1.79 Kb)
file fx_score_board.tga (4.79 Kb)
file light.tga (1.79 Kb)
file light_invert.tga (1.79 Kb)
file menu_flare.tga (2.79 Kb)
file night.tga (64.79 Kb)
file slime_light.tga (16.79 Kb)
file sparcle.tga (8.79 Kb)
file water_caustics.tga (64.79 Kb)
file water_caustics2.tga (64.79 Kb)
Info (9 файлов)
file CheckPoint.sa (382.91 Kb)
txt CheckPoint.txt (290 b)
file Help.sa (102.59 Kb)
txt Help.txt (112 b)
file Help_Table.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Portal.dds (64.13 Kb)
file height_limit.dds (2.13 Kb)
file secrete.dds (8.13 Kb)
file start.dds (8.13 Kb)
Island (9 файлов)
Artifacts (8 файлов)
file Lei.sa (612.41 Kb)
txt Lei.txt (128 b)
file coconut_drink.sa (246.3 Kb)
txt coconut_drink.txt (128 b)
file fruity_drink.sa (312.93 Kb)
txt fruity_drink.txt (128 b)
file hoola_skirt.sa (545.73 Kb)
txt hoola_skirt.txt (128 b)
Background (7 файлов)
file bac.dds (2 Mb)
file bac_04.dds (2 Mb)
file bac_05.dds (2 Mb)
file bac_06.dds (2 Mb)
file grass_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
file grass_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file grass_03.dds (128.13 Kb)
Decor (49 файлов)
file Bones_01.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Bones_02.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Bones_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Bones_04.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Bones_05.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Corner_Left.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Corner_Right.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Fence_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Fence_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Hut_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_06.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Hut_07.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Hut_08.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Idol.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Jug_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Jug_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Jug_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Rack_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Rack_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Stone_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_04.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_05.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Stone_06.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Tower.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Village.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_01_back.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_02_back.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_03_back.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_Water.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_Water_01.dmd (202 b)
file Waterfall_Water_02.dmd (158 b)
file Waterfall_Water_03.dmd (246 b)
file Waterfall_Water_Front.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Waterfall_Water_Stream.dds (4.13 Kb)
file liana_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file liana_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file liana_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file liana_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file liana_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file liana_06.dds (64.13 Kb)
Edge (2 файла)
file Lower.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Upper.dds (16.13 Kb)
Enemy (33 файла)
file CampFire.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Lizart.sa (1.07 Mb)
txt Lizart.txt (555 b)
file Lizart_on_tree.sa (357.43 Kb)
txt Lizart_on_tree.txt (199 b)
file Man-Eating Plant.sa (2.48 Mb)
txt Man-Eating Plant.txt (286 b)
file Monkey.sa (406.89 Kb)
txt Monkey.txt (470 b)
file Monkey_on_Tree.sa (776.65 Kb)
txt Monkey_on_Tree.txt (296 b)
file Monkey_with_Coconut.sa (567.52 Kb)
txt Monkey_with_Coconut.txt (640 b)
file Native.sa (2.98 Mb)
txt Native.txt (747 b)
file Native_Kopje.sa (3.84 Kb)
txt Native_Kopje.txt (131 b)
file Native_NPC.sa (1.21 Mb)
txt Native_NPC.txt (398 b)
file Parrot_01.sa (157.68 Kb)
txt Parrot_01.txt (128 b)
file Parrot_02.sa (173.78 Kb)
txt Parrot_02.txt (128 b)
file Parrot_02_Cocos.tga (4.04 Kb)
file Quicksand_Pit_Back.sa (76.41 Kb)
txt Quicksand_Pit_Back.txt (128 b)
file Quicksand_Pit_Front.sa (580.86 Kb)
txt Quicksand_Pit_Front.txt (128 b)
file Spider.sa (874.72 Kb)
txt Spider.txt (767 b)
file Spider_Web_String.dds (256 b)
file Spider_on_Tree.sa (587.84 Kb)
txt Spider_on_Tree.txt (297 b)
Flora (25 файлов)
file bush_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_02_with_flower.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_02_with_flower2.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_04_with_flower.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_05_with_flower.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_06.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_07.dds (64.13 Kb)
file bush_08_small.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_09_small.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_10_small.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_11_small.dds (4.13 Kb)
file bush_12_small.dds (4.13 Kb)
file bush_13_small.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_14_small.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_15_small.dds (4.13 Kb)
file bush_16_small.dds (4.13 Kb)
file bush_17_big.dds (128.13 Kb)
file bush_18_big.dds (128.13 Kb)
file grass_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file grass_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file palm.dds (256.13 Kb)
Items (10 файлов)
file Bonbon.sa (137.33 Kb)
txt Bonbon.txt (128 b)
file Gem_Cyan.sa (42.7 Kb)
txt Gem_Cyan.txt (112 b)
file Gem_Red.sa (61.06 Kb)
txt Gem_Red.txt (112 b)
file Ring_gold.sa (151.21 Kb)
txt Ring_gold.txt (128 b)
file Ring_silver.sa (78.19 Kb)
txt Ring_silver.txt (128 b)
Land (2 файла)
file Liana.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Liana_Dark.dds (64.13 Kb)
Misc (16 файлов)
file Bridge_Down.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Bridge_Up.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Exit.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Liana_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Liana_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Platform_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Platform_02_Liana.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Platform_Rotating_Bottom.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Platform_Rotating_Top.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Stairway.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Stone_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Stone_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Stone_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Web.sa (607.08 Kb)
txt Web.txt (357 b)
Item (14 файлов)
file health.sa (91.14 Kb)
txt health.txt (128 b)
file health_small.sa (82.15 Kb)
txt health_small.txt (128 b)
file life_barbara.sa (96.86 Kb)
txt life_barbara.txt (128 b)
file life_barry.sa (93.99 Kb)
txt life_barry.txt (128 b)
file life_jess.sa (84.4 Kb)
txt life_jess.txt (128 b)
file life_vance.sa (109.49 Kb)
txt life_vance.txt (128 b)
file life_zach.sa (74.96 Kb)
txt life_zach.txt (128 b)
Jungle (8 файлов)
Artifacts (8 файлов)
file tower_part1.sa (435.71 Kb)
txt tower_part1.txt (128 b)
file tower_part2.sa (330.87 Kb)
txt tower_part2.txt (128 b)
file tower_part3.sa (425.25 Kb)
txt tower_part3.txt (128 b)
file tower_part4.sa (248.18 Kb)
txt tower_part4.txt (128 b)
Background (1 файл)
file background.dds (4 Mb)
BigTrees (53 файла)
file Decor_Hollow_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_Hollow_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Decor_Hollow_03.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_Hollow_04.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_Hollow_05.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_04.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_05.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_06.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_07.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_08.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_09.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_10.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_11.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_12.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_13.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_14.dds (2.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_15.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_bush_16.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_05.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_06.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_07.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_08.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_09.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_10.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_11.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_12.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_13.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_14.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_15.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_16.dds (2.13 Kb)
file Decor_stunk_17.dds (2.13 Kb)
file Platform_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Platform_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Platform_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Platform_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Platform_05.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Platform_06_Mushroom.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Platform_Joining.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_Joining_Left.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_Joining_Right.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Portal.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Tree_bottom_01.dds (1 Mb)
file Tree_bottom_02.dds (1 Mb)
file Tree_top_01.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Tree_top_02.dds (576.13 Kb)
file Tree_trunk_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
Edge (4 файла)
file Corner_Left.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Corner_Right.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Lower.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Upper.tga (64.04 Kb)
Flora (3 файла)
file tree.dds (1 Mb)
file tree_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file tree_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
Items (12 файлов)
file Gem_Blue.sa (88.55 Kb)
txt Gem_Blue.txt (112 b)
file Gem_Orange.sa (82.84 Kb)
txt Gem_Orange.txt (112 b)
file SideKick.sa (134.44 Kb)
txt SideKick.txt (128 b)
file Zerkalo.sa (87.97 Kb)
txt Zerkalo.txt (128 b)
file iPod_Green.sa (109.6 Kb)
txt iPod_Green.txt (128 b)
file iPod_Red.sa (109.6 Kb)
txt iPod_Red.txt (128 b)
Land (1 файл)
file Liana.tga (192.04 Kb)
Misc (8 файлов)
file Exit.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Liana_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Liana_04.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Platform_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_bending.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Stairway.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Tower_Broken.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Tower_Full.tga (256.04 Kb)
Misc (9 файлов)
file Arrow.sa (85.22 Kb)
txt Arrow.txt (112 b)
file Box.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Chest.sa (383.68 Kb)
txt Chest.txt (201 b)
file Danger_Table.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Jug_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Jug_02.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Sun_Light.dds (32.13 Kb)
Mountain (9 файлов)
Artifacts (6 файлов)
file carwax.sa (159.09 Kb)
txt carwax.txt (128 b)
file cellphone.sa (167.94 Kb)
txt cellphone.txt (128 b)
file chocolatecandy.sa (310.98 Kb)
txt chocolatecandy.txt (128 b)
Background (4 файла)
file Background01.dds (512.13 Kb)
file background.dds (512.13 Kb)
file background02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_04.dds (128.13 Kb)
Decor (25 файлов)
file Land_Root_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Land_Root_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Land_Root_03.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Tree_old.dds (64.13 Kb)
file clouds_02.tga (96.04 Kb)
file column.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file mountain_03.dds (128.13 Kb)
file mountain_04.dds (128.13 Kb)
file mountain_05.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_06.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_07.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_08.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_09.dds (256.13 Kb)
file mountain_10.dds (128.13 Kb)
file root_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file root_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file sculpture_01.dds (128.13 Kb)
file sculpture_02.dds (128.13 Kb)
file sculpture_03.dds (128.13 Kb)
file stump_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file stump_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file stump_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file wall.dds (128.13 Kb)
Edge (4 файла)
file Corner_Left.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Corner_Right.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Lower.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Upper.tga (256.04 Kb)
Enemy (6 файлов)
file Queen Kong.sa (11.6 Mb)
txt Queen Kong.txt (970 b)
file Queen_Kong_Running.sa (1.19 Mb)
txt Queen_Kong_Running.txt (122 b)
file Stone.dds (4.13 Kb)
file thorn.dds (16.13 Kb)
Flora (15 файлов)
file bush_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_03.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_04.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_05.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_06.dds (16.13 Kb)
file bush_07.dds (16.13 Kb)
file grass_01.tga (128.04 Kb)
file tree_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file tree_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file tree_03.dds (1 Mb)
file tree_04.dds (1 Mb)
file tree_05.dds (1 Mb)
file tree_06.dds (256.13 Kb)
file tree_07.dds (256.13 Kb)
Items (2 файла)
file Key.sa (220.43 Kb)
txt Key.txt (128 b)
Land (2 файла)
file Landscape.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Landscape_back.tga (192.04 Kb)
Misc (11 файлов)
file Barry_in_Cage.sa (350.23 Kb)
txt Barry_in_Cage.txt (212 b)
file Cage_Closed_Base.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Cage_Closed_Door.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Cage_Open.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Exit.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Platform_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Platform_Crashed.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_Crashed_Parts.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Portal.dds (64.13 Kb)
Ocean (9 файлов)
Artefacts (10 файлов)
file engine_01.sa (222.58 Kb)
txt engine_01.txt (128 b)
file engine_02.sa (174.55 Kb)
txt engine_02.txt (128 b)
file engine_03.sa (166.95 Kb)
txt engine_03.txt (128 b)
file engine_04.sa (200.97 Kb)
txt engine_04.txt (128 b)
file engine_05.sa (225.84 Kb)
txt engine_05.txt (128 b)
Background (7 файлов)
file Atlantida_Background.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Background_00.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Background_01.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Background_02.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Background_03.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Background_04.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Background_05.dds (512.13 Kb)
Decor (53 файла)
file Atlantida_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_03.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_05.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_06.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_07.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_08.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_09.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Atlantida_10.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Corner_01.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Corner_02.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Corner_03.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Flower_of_the_Death.sa (91.23 Kb)
txt Flower_of_the_Death.txt (111 b)
file Fry.sa (23.35 Kb)
txt Fry.txt (109 b)
file Mauritanian_Idol.sa (77.15 Kb)
txt Mauritanian_Idol.txt (123 b)
file Minivan_Crashed.dds (128.13 Kb)
file Old_Bone_01.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Old_Bone_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Old_Bone_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Pirates_01.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Pirates_02.dds (256.13 Kb)
file Sea-Horse_Blue.sa (12.05 Kb)
txt Sea-Horse_Blue.txt (111 b)
file Shell_01.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_02.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_03.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_04.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_05.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_06.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Shell_07.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Snail_Round.sa (24.44 Kb)
txt Snail_Round.txt (111 b)
file Tunny.sa (20.5 Kb)
txt Tunny.txt (111 b)
file alga_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file alga_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file alga_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file coral_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file coral_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
file coral_03.dds (4.13 Kb)
file coral_04.dds (4.13 Kb)
file eye.dds (1.13 Kb)
file statue_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file statue_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file statue_03.dds (32.13 Kb)
file statue_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file stone.dds (64.13 Kb)
file vasa_01.dds (4.13 Kb)
file vasa_02.dds (4.13 Kb)
Edge (8 файлов)
file Lower.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Lower.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Lower_Back.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Upper.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Upper.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Waves_01.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Waves_02.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Waves_03.tga (128.04 Kb)
Enemy (20 файлов)
file Electric Eel.sa (758.83 Kb)
txt Electric Eel.txt (207 b)
file Giant_Clam.sa (387.55 Kb)
txt Giant_Clam.txt (385 b)
file Medusa-Red.sa (367.96 Kb)
txt Medusa-Red.txt (112 b)
file Mine.sa (726.03 Kb)
txt Mine.txt (121 b)
file Octopus.sa (1.93 Mb)
txt Octopus.txt (465 b)
file Shark.sa (1.33 Mb)
txt Shark.txt (482 b)
file Skate.sa (841.33 Kb)
txt Skate.txt (184 b)
file Slime.sa (101.1 Kb)
txt Slime.txt (219 b)
file SlimeDrop.dds (1.13 Kb)
file SlimeDropSplashes.sa (40.99 Kb)
txt SlimeDropSplashes.txt (128 b)
file SpikyCoral.tga (64.04 Kb)
Flora (43 файла)
file Bushes_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_03.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_04.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_05.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_06.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_07.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_08.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Bushes_09.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_10.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_11.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_12.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_13.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_14.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Bushes_15.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_16.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Bushes_17.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_05.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_06.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_07.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_08.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_09.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_10.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Flora_Large_11.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Grass_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Grass_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Grass_03.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Grass_04.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Grass_05.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Grass_06.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Grass_07.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Grass_08.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Grass_09.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Grass_10.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Grass_11.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Grass_12.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Misc_01.dds (32.13 Kb)
file Misc_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Misc_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
Items (14 файлов)
file Coin_Big.sa (109.96 Kb)
txt Coin_Big.txt (128 b)
file Coin_Small.sa (47.51 Kb)
txt Coin_Small.txt (128 b)
file bita.sa (103.57 Kb)
txt bita.txt (128 b)
file cap.sa (88.25 Kb)
txt cap.txt (128 b)
file jojo.sa (99.87 Kb)
txt jojo.txt (128 b)
file juce.sa (96.3 Kb)
txt juce.txt (128 b)
file psp.sa (91.13 Kb)
txt psp.txt (128 b)
Land (2 файла)
file Stones_Dark.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Stones_Grassed.tga (192.04 Kb)
Misc (10 файлов)
file Exit.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Medusa.sa (182.13 Kb)
txt Medusa.txt (338 b)
file Platform_01.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Platform_02.tga (32.04 Kb)
file Platform_03.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Portal.dds (64.13 Kb)
file Tree.sa (421.75 Kb)
file Tree.tga (1 Mb)
txt Tree.txt (111 b)
Player (22 файла)
file Barbara.sa (13.76 Mb)
txt Barbara.txt (2.48 Kb)
file Barbara_NPC.sa (2.53 Mb)
txt Barbara_NPC.txt (210 b)
file Barry.sa (10.23 Mb)
txt Barry.txt (1.79 Kb)
file Barry_NPC.sa (1.23 Mb)
txt Barry_NPC.txt (1.79 Kb)
file Jess.sa (10.72 Mb)
txt Jess.txt (2.65 Kb)
file Jess_NPC.sa (3.27 Mb)
txt Jess_NPC.txt (664 b)
file Jess_Weapon.tga (4.04 Kb)
file Mini-Van.sa (3.69 Mb)
txt Mini-Van.txt (280 b)
file Zach.sa (8.08 Mb)
txt Zach.txt (1.96 Kb)
file Zach_NPC.sa (1.29 Mb)
txt Zach_NPC.txt (392 b)
file Zach_noAqualang.sa (5.5 Mb)
txt Zach_noAqualang.txt (1.96 Kb)
file shadow.tga (4.04 Kb)
Store (6 файлов)
background (10 файлов)
file bac_begin.dds (256.13 Kb)
file bac_exit.dds (256.13 Kb)
file shelves_01.tga (1 Mb)
file shelves_02.tga (1 Mb)
file shelves_03.tga (1 Mb)
file wall_01.tga (1 Mb)
file wall_02.tga (64.04 Kb)
file wall_03.dds (32.13 Kb)
file wall_04.dds (16.13 Kb)
file wall_light.dds (4.13 Kb)
decor (25 файлов)
file LampRay.tga (97.54 Kb)
file basket.dds (16.13 Kb)
file coffee.dds (64.13 Kb)
file column.tga (64.04 Kb)
file door.dds (256.13 Kb)
file picture_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_02.dds (32.13 Kb)
file picture_04.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_05.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_06.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_07.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_08.dds (16.13 Kb)
file picture_09.dds (64.13 Kb)
file plant_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file plant_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file plant_03.dds (64.13 Kb)
file plant_04.dds (64.13 Kb)
file refrigerator_01.dds (64.13 Kb)
file refrigerator_02.dds (64.13 Kb)
file sconce_only.dds (16.13 Kb)
file shelves_side_01.tga (64.04 Kb)
file shelves_side_02.tga (64.04 Kb)
file shelves_side_03.tga (64.04 Kb)
file tea.dds (64.13 Kb)
file window.dds (64.13 Kb)
edge (2 файла)
file corner_01.tga (64.04 Kb)
file floor.tga (256.04 Kb)
enemies (2 файла)
file slime.sa (443.25 Kb)
txt slime.txt (128 b)
Items (18 файлов)
file BandAid.sa (147.57 Kb)
txt BandAid.txt (128 b)
file Beach_Chair.sa (456.67 Kb)
txt Beach_Chair.txt (128 b)
file Car_Battery.sa (232.01 Kb)
txt Car_Battery.txt (128 b)
file Generator.sa (241.84 Kb)
txt Generator.txt (128 b)
file Lenta.sa (104.09 Kb)
txt Lenta.txt (128 b)
file Life_Vest.sa (289.29 Kb)
txt Life_Vest.txt (128 b)
file Palatka.sa (433.06 Kb)
txt Palatka.txt (128 b)
file Schipci.sa (184.69 Kb)
txt Schipci.txt (128 b)
file Sun_Block.sa (100.97 Kb)
txt Sun_Block.txt (128 b)
misc (24 файла)
file Barrel.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Board.tga (128.04 Kb)
file Box_02.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Box_04.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Box_06.tga (128.04 Kb)
file Jerrican_Green.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Jerrican_Red.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Trampoline.sa (1.04 Mb)
txt Trampoline.txt (128 b)
file lift_cabine.tga (256.04 Kb)
file lift_car.tga (256.04 Kb)
file lift_door.tga (64.04 Kb)
file lift_floor_1.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_2.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_3.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_4.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_5.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_dist_1.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_dist_2.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_dist_3.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_dist_4.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_floor_dist_5.dds (1.13 Kb)
file lift_wall.tga (256.04 Kb)
file lift_well.tga (192.02 Kb)
UI (52 файла)
Characters (5 файлов)
01 (2 файла)
file Color.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Sketch.tga (512.04 Kb)
02 (2 файла)
file Color.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Sketch.tga (512.04 Kb)
03 (2 файла)
file Color.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Sketch.tga (512.04 Kb)
04 (2 файла)
file Color.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Sketch.tga (512.04 Kb)
05 (2 файла)
file Color.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Sketch.tga (512.04 Kb)
Cursors (6 файлов)
file Cursor_Active.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Cursor_Click.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Cursor_Idle.tga (16.04 Kb)
file animated.sa (81.32 Kb)
txt animated.txt (185 b)
file static.tga (4.04 Kb)
Fonts (16 файлов)
file Big_Digits.map (40 b)
file Big_Digits.tga (32.04 Kb)
file Button.map (388 b)
file Button.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Normal.map (388 b)
file Normal.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Normal_Black.map (388 b)
file Normal_Black.tga (256.04 Kb)
file Title.map (388 b)
file Title.tga (256.04 Kb)
file debug.map (380 b)
file debug.tga (64.02 Kb)
file default.map (352 b)
file default.tga (256.04 Kb)
file editor.map (392 b)
file editor.tga (64.04 Kb)
Intro (1 файл)
file intro.swf (9.7 Mb)
Tips (43 файла)
file Albatross.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Cactus_Thorny.dds (8.13 Kb)
file CampFire.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Cobra.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Crow.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Dirt_Devil.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Eagle.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Eagle_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Electric_Eel.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Giant_Clam.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Helicopter.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Kachalot.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Lizart.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Lizart_on_Tree.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Man-Eating Plant.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Medusa-Red.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Monkey.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Monkey_on_Tree.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Mummy.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Native.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Native_Tower.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Octopus.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Parrot_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Platform_Moving_VM.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Pole_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Portal.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Portal_Tree.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Quicksand_Pit.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Rock.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Scorpion.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Shark.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Slime.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Spider.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Spider_on_Tree.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Stone.dds (8.13 Kb)
file Thorn_VM_02.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Tree_old.dds (16.13 Kb)
file UFO_01.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Viper.dds (16.13 Kb)
file Web.dds (16.13 Kb)
file clouds_storm.dds (16.13 Kb)
file light_house.dds (16.13 Kb)
file logs.dds (16.13 Kb)
WorldMap (4 файла)
file LED_Big.tga (16.04 Kb)
file LED_Big_Locked.tga (16.04 Kb)
file LED_Small.tga (4.04 Kb)
file Screen.tga (8 Mb)
file AboutFundBillboard.dds (512.13 Kb)
file Arrow.dds (4.13 Kb)
file Arrow.tga (16.04 Kb)
file ArrowRight.tga (16.04 Kb)
file ArrowUp.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Arrow_Map.tga (32.04 Kb)
file Background1.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Background2.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Background3.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Background4.tga (192.04 Kb)
file Character_01.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Character_01_blinking.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Character_02.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Character_02_blinking.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Character_03.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Character_03_blinking.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Character_04.tga (512.04 Kb)
file Character_04_blinking.tga (16.04 Kb)
file Character_05.tga (128.04 Kb)
file Comix_Bubble.tga (128.04 Kb)
file Continue_Game.sa (121.03 Kb)
txt Continue_Game.txt (128 b)
file FadeAlphaMask.tga (1 Mb)
file Frame.tga (4.04 Kb)
file Frame2.tga (4.04 Kb)
file FrameHint.tga (64.04 Kb)
file FrameHint_Vance.tga (64.04 Kb)
file FrameInGame.tga (256.04 Kb)
file FrameLevelInfo.tga (64.04 Kb)
file FrameOpaque.tga (64.04 Kb)
file FrameOpaque_Icon.tga (16.04 Kb)
file FrameTransparent.tga (64.04 Kb)
file Logo.tga (512.04 Kb)
file New_Game.sa (120.96 Kb)
txt New_Game.txt (128 b)
file Options.sa (328.71 Kb)
txt Options.txt (128 b)
file Quick_Game.sa (101.01 Kb)
txt Quick_Game.txt (128 b)
file Quit.sa (134.45 Kb)
txt Quit.txt (128 b)
file Slider.tga (8.04 Kb)
file Starlight_Logo.sa (310.45 Kb)
txt Starlight_Logo.txt (128 b)
file Top_Scores.sa (135.17 Kb)
txt Top_Scores.txt (128 b)
file balon.tga (64.04 Kb)
file block.tga (12.02 Kb)
file bubble.tga (4.04 Kb)
file combust2.tga (64.04 Kb)
file crosshair.tga (3.04 Kb)
file fade.tga (1.04 Kb)
file fog.tga (64.04 Kb)
file frame.tga (64.04 Kb)
file fx.tga (1.79 Kb)
file smoke2.tga (32.04 Kb)
Locals (1 файл)
txt Locals.txt (82.7 Kb)
Materials (3 файла)
file Atmosphere.mtl (1.31 Kb)
file Fx.mtl (7.99 Kb)
file Ui.mtl (2.94 Kb)
Music (8 файлов)
file Big Sky.ogg (1019.4 Kb)
file Desert.ogg (532.15 Kb)
file Island Paradise.ogg (539.6 Kb)
file Jungle.ogg (1016.81 Kb)
file MainMenu.ogg (411.47 Kb)
file Map.ogg (201.93 Kb)
file Mountain.ogg (439.37 Kb)
file Ocean.ogg (1.06 Mb)
Sound (90 файлов)
Ingame (6 файлов)
Barbara (41 файл)
file BB026_A.ogg (153.51 Kb)
file BB026_B.ogg (136.3 Kb)
file BB026_C.ogg (78.78 Kb)
file BB027C.ogg (37.45 Kb)
file BB804.ogg (19.79 Kb)
file BB805.ogg (17.87 Kb)
file BB806.ogg (17.65 Kb)
file BB807.ogg (36.31 Kb)
file BB824.ogg (26.87 Kb)
file BB825.ogg (21.2 Kb)
file BB826.ogg (15.42 Kb)
file BB827.ogg (22.96 Kb)
file BB844.ogg (24.95 Kb)
file BB845.ogg (15.1 Kb)
file BB846.ogg (19.01 Kb)
file BB859.ogg (7.89 Kb)
file BB860.ogg (7.54 Kb)
file BB861.ogg (8.13 Kb)
file BB862.ogg (7.81 Kb)
file BB875.ogg (5.22 Kb)
file BB876.ogg (5.19 Kb)
file BB877.ogg (5.99 Kb)
file BB878.ogg (8.76 Kb)
file BB891.ogg (6.18 Kb)
file BB892.ogg (8.02 Kb)
file BB893.ogg (7.15 Kb)
file BB894.ogg (9.59 Kb)
file BB918.ogg (20.39 Kb)
file BB919.ogg (25.25 Kb)
file BB920.ogg (19.4 Kb)
file BB921.ogg (23.4 Kb)
file BB922.ogg (19.06 Kb)
file BB923.ogg (23.12 Kb)
file BB950.ogg (38.26 Kb)
file BB951.ogg (48.79 Kb)
file BB953.ogg (46.53 Kb)
file BB954.ogg (63.49 Kb)
file BB955.ogg (48.35 Kb)
file BB956.ogg (56.09 Kb)
file BB957.ogg (54.33 Kb)
file BB958.ogg (50.35 Kb)
Barry (34 файла)
file BY800.ogg (13.96 Kb)
file BY801.ogg (29.61 Kb)
file BY802.ogg (19.51 Kb)
file BY803.ogg (28.8 Kb)
file BY820.ogg (32.77 Kb)
file BY821.ogg (32.93 Kb)
file BY822.ogg (27.05 Kb)
file BY823.ogg (19.79 Kb)
file BY840.ogg (13.59 Kb)
file BY841.ogg (19.53 Kb)
file BY842.ogg (33.71 Kb)
file BY843.ogg (24.92 Kb)
file BY855.ogg (6.58 Kb)
file BY856.ogg (7.57 Kb)
file BY857.ogg (7.98 Kb)
file BY858.ogg (8.27 Kb)
file BY871.ogg (6.04 Kb)
file BY872.ogg (10.16 Kb)
file BY873.ogg (7.62 Kb)
file BY874.ogg (8.53 Kb)
file BY887.ogg (6.51 Kb)
file BY888.ogg (7.13 Kb)
file BY889.ogg (7.91 Kb)
file BY890.ogg (12.58 Kb)
file BY908.ogg (20.13 Kb)
file BY909.ogg (21.91 Kb)
file BY910.ogg (18.74 Kb)
file BY911.ogg (15.22 Kb)
file BY912.ogg (21.5 Kb)
file BY913.ogg (28.54 Kb)
file BY914.ogg (15.54 Kb)
file BY915.ogg (13.3 Kb)
file BY916.ogg (14.49 Kb)
file BY917.ogg (19.33 Kb)
Jess (32 файла)
file JE808.ogg (23.5 Kb)
file JE809.ogg (18.54 Kb)
file JE810.ogg (22.85 Kb)
file JE811.ogg (24.27 Kb)
file JE828.ogg (15.57 Kb)
file JE829.ogg (13.26 Kb)
file JE830.ogg (18.76 Kb)
file JE831.ogg (13.58 Kb)
file JE832.ogg (23.03 Kb)
file JE847.ogg (13.3 Kb)
file JE848.ogg (27.9 Kb)
file JE849.ogg (19.79 Kb)
file JE850.ogg (22.51 Kb)
file JE863.ogg (7.49 Kb)
file JE864.ogg (6.29 Kb)
file JE865.ogg (6.59 Kb)
file JE866.ogg (11.17 Kb)
file JE879.ogg (5.73 Kb)
file JE880.ogg (7.32 Kb)
file JE881.ogg (7.64 Kb)
file JE882.ogg (14.85 Kb)
file JE895.ogg (6.71 Kb)
file JE896.ogg (7.62 Kb)
file JE897.ogg (8.69 Kb)
file JE898.ogg (17.06 Kb)
file JE924.ogg (28.62 Kb)
file JE925.ogg (36.13 Kb)
file JE926.ogg (19.26 Kb)
file JE927.ogg (16.82 Kb)
file JE928.ogg (21.87 Kb)
file JE929.ogg (36.26 Kb)
file JE930.ogg (21.69 Kb)
Story (13 файлов)
BlueSky1_Begin (2 файла)
file BY043.ogg (46.29 Kb)
file ZA042.ogg (40.43 Kb)
BlueSky1_End (11 файлов)
file Alarm.ogg (6.46 Kb)
file BB044.ogg (11.76 Kb)
file BB046.ogg (9.96 Kb)
file BB049A.ogg (31.06 Kb)
file BY048.ogg (23.35 Kb)
file BY049A.ogg (20.27 Kb)
file JE049A.ogg (16.58 Kb)
file VA045.ogg (20.37 Kb)
file VA047.ogg (19.46 Kb)
file VA049.ogg (34.95 Kb)
file ZA049A.ogg (17.51 Kb)
BlueSky2_Begin (3 файла)
file BB115.ogg (34.77 Kb)
file BY114.ogg (22.32 Kb)
file VA116.ogg (42.54 Kb)
BlueSky2_End (2 файла)
file BB117.ogg (21.49 Kb)
file VA118.ogg (110.74 Kb)
BlueSky3_End (4 файла)
file BY151.ogg (19.6 Kb)
file BY152.ogg (12.56 Kb)
file BY154.ogg (28.97 Kb)
file VA153.ogg (23.75 Kb)
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file BB062.ogg (17.96 Kb)
file BB067A.ogg (14.53 Kb)
file BY061.ogg (49.82 Kb)
file BY063.ogg (46.8 Kb)
file BY065.ogg (45.21 Kb)
file BY067.ogg (12.02 Kb)
file JE064.ogg (15.75 Kb)
file JE067A.ogg (9.24 Kb)
file ZA066.ogg (26.69 Kb)
Desert_End (7 файлов)
file BB069.ogg (17.74 Kb)
file BY068.ogg (12.8 Kb)
file BY072.ogg (37.84 Kb)
file BY074.ogg (38.63 Kb)
file JE070.ogg (16.75 Kb)
file ZA071.ogg (29.37 Kb)
file ZA073.ogg (18 Kb)
Island_End (6 файлов)
file AN179.ogg (37.23 Kb)
file BB176.ogg (20.46 Kb)
file HN178.ogg (11.79 Kb)
file HN180.ogg (14.63 Kb)
file JE177.ogg (14.32 Kb)
file ZA175.ogg (11.26 Kb)
Jungle_End (5 файлов)
file AN188.ogg (39.74 Kb)
file AN190.ogg (25.5 Kb)
file HN187.ogg (16.24 Kb)
file HN189.ogg (32.79 Kb)
file JE186.ogg (35.36 Kb)
Mountain_Begin (1 файл)
file BY192.ogg (85.33 Kb)
Mountain_End (2 файла)
file AN194.ogg (18.92 Kb)
file HN193.ogg (31.56 Kb)
Ocean_Begin (1 файл)
file ZA147.ogg (42.74 Kb)
QueenKong (3 файла)
file BB209.ogg (11.61 Kb)
file JE210.ogg (10.62 Kb)
file ZA210.ogg (12.59 Kb)
Vance (17 файлов)
file VA816.ogg (42.96 Kb)
file VA817.ogg (21.18 Kb)
file VA818.ogg (44.15 Kb)
file VA819.ogg (32.43 Kb)
file VA837.ogg (45.98 Kb)
file VA838.ogg (30.65 Kb)
file VA839.ogg (38.01 Kb)
file VA903.ogg (8 Kb)
file VA903A.ogg (9.93 Kb)
file VA904.ogg (11.6 Kb)
file VA905.ogg (19.05 Kb)
file VA906.ogg (19.6 Kb)
file VA939.ogg (20.36 Kb)
file VA940.ogg (18.67 Kb)
file VA941.ogg (29.34 Kb)
file VA942.ogg (16.68 Kb)
file VA944.ogg (36.11 Kb)
Zach (32 файла)
file ZA812.ogg (17.92 Kb)
file ZA813.ogg (25.88 Kb)
file ZA814.ogg (16.05 Kb)
file ZA815.ogg (16.23 Kb)
file ZA833.ogg (21.2 Kb)
file ZA834.ogg (20.51 Kb)
file ZA835.ogg (21.87 Kb)
file ZA836.ogg (22.17 Kb)
file ZA851.ogg (18.99 Kb)
file ZA852.ogg (12.13 Kb)
file ZA853.ogg (17.8 Kb)
file ZA854.ogg (24.23 Kb)
file ZA867.ogg (8.1 Kb)
file ZA868.ogg (7.54 Kb)
file ZA869.ogg (8.12 Kb)
file ZA870.ogg (10.96 Kb)
file ZA883.ogg (6.15 Kb)
file ZA884.ogg (6.54 Kb)
file ZA885.ogg (6.1 Kb)
file ZA886.ogg (8.65 Kb)
file ZA899.ogg (7.97 Kb)
file ZA900.ogg (7.37 Kb)
file ZA901.ogg (7.77 Kb)
file ZA902.ogg (20.05 Kb)
file ZA931.ogg (24.68 Kb)
file ZA932.ogg (21.99 Kb)
file ZA933.ogg (13.76 Kb)
file ZA934.ogg (23.65 Kb)
file ZA935.ogg (22.67 Kb)
file ZA936.ogg (23.58 Kb)
file ZA937.ogg (24.52 Kb)
file ZA938.ogg (23.23 Kb)
file box_break.ogg (10.1 Kb)
file box_damage.ogg (9.1 Kb)
file bubble_born.ogg (13.49 Kb)
file bubble_crack.ogg (20.62 Kb)
file bubble_jump.ogg (22.96 Kb)
file checkpoint.ogg (27.79 Kb)
file chest_open.ogg (16.89 Kb)
file coconut_bounce.ogg (4.85 Kb)
file death_birds.ogg (7.79 Kb)
file death_leaves.ogg (17.91 Kb)
file death_sand.ogg (20.51 Kb)
file death_water.ogg (39.08 Kb)
file drop.ogg (20.46 Kb)
file emeny_cloud_attack.ogg (49.3 Kb)
file enemy_cachalot_attack.ogg (66.52 Kb)
file enemy_clam_stun.ogg (5.53 Kb)
file enemy_death.ogg (5.24 Kb)
file enemy_dirtdevil_attack.ogg (53.66 Kb)
file enemy_fish_hedgehog_attack.ogg (17.37 Kb)
file enemy_lizard_attack.ogg (12.28 Kb)
file enemy_lizard_stun.ogg (11.09 Kb)
file enemy_monkey_attack.ogg (12.44 Kb)
file enemy_monkey_death.ogg (8.37 Kb)
file enemy_monkey_stun.ogg (14.3 Kb)
file enemy_moray_attack.ogg (65.25 Kb)
file enemy_moray_idle.ogg (120.39 Kb)
file enemy_mummy_attack.ogg (10.9 Kb)
file enemy_mummy_stun.ogg (9.56 Kb)
file enemy_native_attack.ogg (9.93 Kb)
file enemy_native_lance.ogg (6.51 Kb)
file enemy_native_stun.ogg (7.68 Kb)
file enemy_octopus_attack.ogg (35.46 Kb)
file enemy_octopus_stun.ogg (17.53 Kb)
file enemy_plant_attack.ogg (11.76 Kb)
file enemy_queen_kong_attack.ogg (27.84 Kb)
file enemy_queen_kong_death.ogg (39.39 Kb)
file enemy_queen_kong_stun.ogg (22.13 Kb)
file enemy_scorpion_attack.ogg (12.02 Kb)
file enemy_shark_down.ogg (3.95 Kb)
file enemy_shark_idle.ogg (132.81 Kb)
file enemy_shark_up.ogg (22.68 Kb)
file enemy_skate_attack.ogg (31.09 Kb)
file enemy_snake_attack.ogg (13.07 Kb)
file enemy_snake_stun.ogg (16.22 Kb)
file enemy_spider_attack.ogg (17.57 Kb)
file enemy_spider_stun.ogg (7.06 Kb)
file enemy_spider_w_attack.ogg (17.2 Kb)
file explosion.ogg (32.4 Kb)
file help.ogg (24.76 Kb)
file hero_attack.ogg (14.64 Kb)
file hero_bag_attack.ogg (6.33 Kb)
file hero_bar_attack.ogg (6.49 Kb)
file hero_bubbles.ogg (32.85 Kb)
file hero_damage.ogg (15.16 Kb)
file hero_death.ogg (47.9 Kb)
file hero_idle.ogg (104.62 Kb)
file hero_jump.ogg (4.79 Kb)
file hero_jump_landing.ogg (17 Kb)
file hero_jump_web.ogg (14.44 Kb)
file hero_kick_attack.ogg (5.18 Kb)
file hero_level_complete.ogg (86.35 Kb)
file hero_player_attack.ogg (5.13 Kb)
file hero_portal.ogg (61.73 Kb)
file lift_close.ogg (21.14 Kb)
file lift_moving.ogg (21.28 Kb)
file lift_open.ogg (36.72 Kb)
file medusa_jump.ogg (19.21 Kb)
file menu_blow.ogg (3.94 Kb)
file menu_click.ogg (5.84 Kb)
file minivan_acceleration.ogg (32.39 Kb)
file minivan_get_damage.ogg (18.81 Kb)
file pickup_artefact.ogg (43.97 Kb)
file pickup_artefact_2.ogg (19.04 Kb)
file pickup_artefact_short.ogg (44.5 Kb)
file pickup_chest.ogg (33.07 Kb)
file pickup_coin_big.ogg (15.54 Kb)
file pickup_coin_small.ogg (14.37 Kb)
file pickup_jem_blue.ogg (58.83 Kb)
file pickup_jem_green.ogg (49.65 Kb)
file pickup_jem_red.ogg (22.5 Kb)
file pickup_jem_yellow.ogg (31.98 Kb)
file pickup_life.ogg (23.23 Kb)
file pickup_oxygen.ogg (22.45 Kb)
file pickup_oxygen_short.ogg (14.56 Kb)
file pickup_perl.ogg (49.6 Kb)
file pickup_star.ogg (8.97 Kb)
file pickup_stones.ogg (50.8 Kb)
file pot_break.ogg (14.07 Kb)
file stone_bounce.ogg (8.38 Kb)
file Levels.pak (7.2 Mb)
file Levels.xml (15.39 Kb)
file Prefabs.pak (368.57 Kb)
file Settings.xml (826 b)
html (16 файлов)
file FirstTime.htm (325 b)
file Loader2.htm (3.66 Kb)
file TimerExp.htm (2.79 Kb)
png activate_normal.png (17.22 Kb)
png activate_over.png (12.08 Kb)
png buy_normal.png (15.43 Kb)
png buy_normal_2.png (14.34 Kb)
png buy_over.png (9.25 Kb)
png buy_over_2.png (8.2 Kb)
jpg end_screen.jpg (388.11 Kb)
file loader.htm (324 b)
file newstyle.css (1.75 Kb)
png start_normal.png (14.57 Kb)
png start_over.png (9.01 Kb)
jpg start_screen.jpg (448.37 Kb)
file timerexp.css (617 b)
ReflexiveArcade (13 файлов)
file Arcade.dat (496.85 Kb)
file Channel.dat (19.61 Kb)
file Channel.id (4 b)
file RAW_002.wdt (929 b)
file RAW_003.wdt (44 Kb)
file RAW_004.wdt (8 b)
file ReflexiveArcade.dll (948.07 Kb)
jpg background.jpg (83.93 Kb)
jpg button_hover.jpg (2.24 Kb)
jpg button_normal.jpg (1.56 Kb)
jpg button_pressed.jpg (2.14 Kb)
file unins000.dat (105.23 Kb)
exe unins000.exe (679.28 Kb)
file Config.cfg (427 b)
file GDIPLUS.DLL (1.57 Mb)
file Game_Icon.ico (14.73 Kb)
file Media.dll (112 Kb)
file RenderD3D8.dll (400 Kb)
file Scripts.prg (575.57 Kb)
file bass.dll (93.05 Kb)
file flash.ocx (2.16 Mb)
file game.RWG (724 Kb)
exe game.exe (724 Kb)
file game.sw2 (6.78 Kb)
Комментариев (0)